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      African Entrepreneurship Forum | 12 May

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      Online event

      Regardless of whether the concept is referred to as sustainability, value creation, or collective impact, many successful organisations have demonstrated that a company’s competitiveness and the health of its surrounding community are inextricably linked. Only the companies that have looked beyond their bottom line to the wellbeing of their surrounding societies have been able to find ways to remain relevant in the emerging and constantly transforming markets.

      GENERAL_EnterpreneursForum-12may Poster

      At the next African Entrepreneurship Forum, we will place the spotlight on this all-encompassing concept of creating Shared Value, and innovative ways businesses on the continent can take part in building social and economic value for their communities. With a series of speakers ranging from academia to business leaders practicing shared value, the insights and expertise from this panel will make for fruitful discussion and provide food for thought for our audience.

      This is the second forum of the year, organised by SVAI in collaboration with our Africa Council Council of 8. Supporting such a conversational panel is our way of helping all entrepreneurs realize their role in being part of the solution to African problems. It is never too early to start thinking about and practicing Shared Value. 

       DATE: Friday, 12 May 2023
       TIME: 11:00am – 12:30pm CAT
       PLATFORM: Zoom Webinar
      EVENT: Click here to watch this event